Large Scale Central

Stub switch

David Maynard said:

LOL. Like I said, its a bad idea. -snip-

Is it done yet?


Korm Kormsen said:

i don’t understand you guys…

with the space one of these five-way stubs needs, one could easy install a three-way and two two-way switches.

Id have to see that laid out for me to understand it. The 5 way stub seems to take up far less room. The TrainLi design is by far the shortest but I don’t see how having one switch then putting another one on the end of it would be shorter than a 5 way. Id like to understand that because if that is true then I would prefer the set up you mention. I need to get 5 tracks out of one in the shortest possible distance. The Trainli style does that but isn’t prototypical looking. Id like to have the best of both worlds.

Devon Sinsley said:

I need to get 5 tracks out of one in the shortest possible distance. The Trainli style does that but isn’t prototypical looking. Id like to have the best of both worlds.

Then there you go Devon

And since you are battery powered, you don’t have to work out the track power switching nightmare this contraption would be.

Especially since

Dan Pierce said:

Greg and Sean have the 5 way which was available as a 3 way also. Sold by Trainli.

The 5 way was sold as a manual and for extra $$ a motorized version was available.

One note for this switch is that it can not be placed in direct sunlight/ needs protection. Sean has his in a train storage shed (he lives 2 miles form me).

David I get what your saying and showing. What I don’t get is what Korm is saying when he says it would be shorter to build a 3 way then 2 2way. That to me would have to be much longer than a 5 way stub. This 5 way looks great and is the exact photo Daniel showed me as the inspiration for his. I think he said it is in the neighborhood of 30 inches long not counting the stub rails. So add those in.

Devon, I guess it depends on the divergence of the switches, both the stub and the point switches. But I think, like you do, that the 5 way stub would be shorter.

My thought was to build a module with some kind of shop facility on it. But to build a turntable would take up a lot of room. A turntable would be my first choice, but I am not sure I could work it out without extending the side of the module too far out. But a switch set up into a back-shop type building might work better. And since it would be shop track-age, I could do a stub and not have it on the mainline.

Again, this is a Devonish fantasy project that may never happen. It seams that I somehow ended up with way too many HO steam locomotives, and it would be nice if I could play with some of them. Moving them around a shop complex would allow me to play with them and go bonkers on details.

Korm Kormsen said:

i don’t understand you guys…

with the space one of these five-way stubs needs, one could easy install a three-way and two two-way switches.

nope… measure it out

well, i have to concede, that it depends of the type/size of switches used.

in (LGB) R1 (30°) it would be 24" long.

in R3 (if i remember right, 22°) it would be about 36" long.

The 5 way switch pictured is much much broader than a R1… apples to apples please… even an R3 is a #5 frog
