Large Scale Central

Servo Turnouts

Here is a video of the completed LGB Switch Machine to servo slow motion.

LGB Switch Machine Converted to Servo Drive from Dennis Cherry on Vimeo.

If you are interested I can make a PDF file with pictures and instructions.

Its not hard, just a few tools.

Eric Reuter said:

Are you guys using (or proposing to use) servos outdoors? Iā€™m using Tortoises for my indoor turnouts, but starting to consider my outdoor options. I like the idea of servos, but not sure about weatherproofing them.

Just today I was pondering whet to do with some 3.5" aluminum cubes (2 ends open; cut from tubing) that I needed for a glue up jig at work. Now that the job is done, they are destined for the recycle bin. They have screw retainers in the extrusion for caps and are cut pretty true, A little gasket adhesive and they would probably seal to a cover that I have yet to fabricate. Might be a good home for a servo dressed up as a line side equipment shed.