Large Scale Central

New Bachmann power trucks for the eggliners

Pictures are worth a thousand word, but I can’t put a micrometer on them. ‘Looks can be deceiving.’

What would you guys like to see. I have the Bachmann in stock and I also have NOS of the Aristocraft blocks?

The wire colours are different, but if they are wired the same into the plug, the wire colour doesn’t matter.

It would be nice if there were direct replacements. If they are, then I would consider getting a set for the eventual day when I will need them.

Nico, just a fairly accurate dimensional comparison to know if the new Bachmann brick is dimensionally interchangeable with the latter Aristo.

Here are some pics of a side by side comparison. The motor blocks are identical with the exception of the shaft sticking out of the one end and the connector.

I believe the latest motor blocks from aristo did not have the adjustment screw on the end, and also had changed to the singe 4 pin connector.

So these blocks look identical to the last Aristo production to me.
