Large Scale Central

Mik2018 Recycled or pilfered

Memo to RevDev, see note about warped retaining walls and manly stones … Plastic foam board , to quote the Raven; Nevermore.

Introducing; Newest and Improved, napkin design…

The top arch (grey) needs to be wider to support the sections from trestle to bridge (brown) while the center section (orange) will support the other side…

Yep time and room to fiddle about …

Fer christs sake get your socks out of the wash!!!

John Passaro said:

Fer christs sake get your socks out of the wash!!!

Oh sure ignore the custom frame!

At least it’s a pair, you betcha

Devon Sinsley said:

Even in your description it does not say wood. The reason for asking is your rant about wood turning to dust in your enviroment. A finished cut (which means nominal dimensions of 1.5 x 3.5 ) 2x4 which he has agreed can be “assembled” from 1" stock (3/4 nominal) could be interpreted as not necessarily having to be made of real wood. There are metal 2x4 studs and there also PVC trim boards. The reasoning Bri g you could use PVC to build your build with creative interpretation.

Just trying to REALLY help this time.

No good deed goes unpunished.

Devon Sinsley said:

Did Dave say it had to be a wood 2x4? Or are we all assuming? I mean how about 42" of 1.5 x 3.5 steel bar stock and a plasma cutter? Or maybe two 3.5 wide pieces of 3/4 pvc. One piece of 1x4 pvc 8 feet long would cover it.

Some folks are special…(, but I thought this part was easy to understand.

“The Final Build can be any size or shape that you want, of anything that you would like to build. You should try to use as much of the 2x4 as you can, before using more wood. If you do use more wood then the assigned 2x4, you need to declare how much you used after using up all the 2x4. But no penalty for not using it all. You may use extra material as a base as you see fit, without any penalty, other then against the $30.00 total.”

edit to add


Okay I guess he did say wood. I was just trying to think out of the box and help you out. Carry on.

Devon Sinsley said:

Okay I guess he did say wood. I was just trying to think out of the box and help you out. Carry on.

Oh you did, that crate didn’t stand a chance.(

I do need bridges… should I cheat with Garden Metal Model’s Ties and cat walks, found 2 unopened boxes in my junk box…( yeah our kind of junk!( Too bad they’re earmarked for the Turq Lake trestle. (no, that q is not upside down)(

John Caughey said:

Devon Sinsley said:

Okay I guess he did say wood. I was just trying to think out of the box and help you out. Carry on.

Oh you did, that crate didn’t stand a chance.(

I do need bridges… should I cheat with Garden Metal Model’s Ties and cat walks, found 2 unopened boxes in my junk box…( yeah our kind of junk!( Too bad they’re earmarked for the Turq Lake trestle. (no, that q is not upside down)(

If it was upside down, I could just imagine the name of the creek that flows into that lake. ( if only I had a paddle. (

David Maynard said:

John Caughey said:

Devon Sinsley said:

Okay I guess he did say wood. I was just trying to think out of the box and help you out. Carry on.

Oh you did, that crate didn’t stand a chance.(

I do need bridges… should I cheat with Garden Metal Model’s Ties and cat walks, found 2 unopened boxes in my junk box…( yeah our kind of junk!( Too bad they’re earmarked for the Turq Lake trestle. (no, that q is not upside down)(

If it was upside down, I could just imagine the name of the creek that flows into that lake. ( if only I had a paddle. (

Since you’re upstream, you could go with the flow …( Arrggghhh I can’t believe I said that(

Yea, I been told that “it” flows downhill.

Even when you are outside of the box, you gotta have wood if you’re going to fiddle about. (

(Hey…, you guys put it out there. (

C’mon, now, John…you know we have only (how many?) weekends left?

My wood shop is on a deck out back with travel plans… I propped a 20’ 8x8" beam up against an upright hoping to stop the list… the weather went from Ideal the day before, to hellish the day of, then I was slapped with a 2 day wait because I wasn’t sawing, then I had several days of pulling a gazillion pins when 3 would have been too many and did I mention the weather and my arthritis?

Sweetening the deal my buddy? derided my very creative, Joe Doakes approved plan and called it not only a crate, but later a crate on stilts … Flippin’ A! I flopped onto my fallback bridge and was all set to draw it up when I saw what the real modelers were doing and began to wonder how my entry could compete…

The fates can be frustrating no? I owe my big Sis, big time. This year, between the butt cam, a CT Scan and her beckon on nice days, I was left with; cold, rain or sand blowing wind and an out door wood shop.

Today I found out that the small lung lobe on my right side has collapsed as a result of the life saving radiation. (So that’s what that pain is!) While my blood has a rich 97% oxygen saturation, my replenishment system is lacking… Seems I got a really caring CT reader and the list of things to watch grew to: well I dunno. Talk of brachyotomies to scrape out gunk and check the radiation scars etc… And sending my scan to the Cancer board of 30 experts to decide my fate … I’ll get a call in a week or so, to put my nerves at ease.

Yesterday I was at my sisters overseeing and helping install the new R/O system. The installer made a point to give me his number and took mine saying we can get along. New floats have piggyback plugs to control the pump instead of being wired into the pump. The old float didn’t. I told him to cut the wire and splice that plug on the old float and should the old fail it will be easier to pull the cord than all the fittings. Yeah I saved him work.(

I gave up on wood structures here, my favorites by the way, because my conditions on the edge of purgatory seem harsh to such creatures. It’s disheartening to watch all the bits of character get sand blasted away…

This year was my first One Year Later scan and I was hoping for the C word, instead of Cured, I got to be Continued.

There’s a contest?

How long would it take to measure and cut 48 boards? The stringers are set the guide and repeat cuts, The compressor is new and bigger and the pinner is good to go…

Maybe after shopping at Costco tomorrow morning, my guts will be untied and I’ll be able to draw up the plan, if the paper will lie flat…

Aw As mom used to say, we’ll see.

edit to change node to lobe.

Hey now don’t blame me for your inaction.

On a serious note. I don’t understand hald of what you just said about your lungs but praying none of it ends up being bad.

I still say someone should just cut the 2X4 to length and paint it grey and call it a retaining wall. . .

Devon Sinsley said:

Hey now don’t blame me for your inaction.

On a serious note. I don’t understand hald of what you just said about your lungs but praying none of it ends up being bad.

2 weeks ago I had a CT scan.

Today my Doctor told me the results;

In brief; there are 6 lung lobes (air bags) 2 larger and 1 smaller each side, we knew I had a restricted air way - right side middle, the small lobe, in a year that one has collapsed AND the careful and dedicated Scan Reader found a bunch of stuff that may or may not be serious and perhaps a brachiotomy or 2 -knock me out and go down my airway to take a look see and scrape away anything blocking that airway. Half exploratory and half known.

I will get a phone call in a week, after a Review board of 30 cancer specialists have looked at my case, have flipped the coin and guessed to the best of … My doc will tell me what’s next.

Since I acted like I had ‘beat’ lung cancer, it’s more of a reprieve now (while I was invincible yesterday), I’m a bit screwed up right now…(

OK then, thanks for the inspiration.

I don’t like listing my ills, never know when the herd will get culled!

edit; nodes out lobes in.

John we give each other a ton of crap. But i consider you a friend. I can only barely imagine how anxious you are right now. You sincerely are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray for tbisbto be only a scare bit should it be something more I am with you in thought every step of the way. Know my ear is always available to be bent.

I and I’ll bet all of us are waiting with you to hear the news, hopefully good news.

Amen you guys!