Large Scale Central

Help Changing Polarity

Well, when it was a “mystery board”, he didn’t know that there were even CVs to change to make it work the way he wanted. Once he started swapping wires, he kinda had to keep at it until everything was swapped. Telling him now what he could of done is a bit like closing the barn door after the horse has wandered off. But now we know, in case any of us find ourselves in the same situation.

When I first took that tender shell off I thougt it was going to be an easy fix, find the 2 wires that come from the track and swap them, easier said than down of course.

I agree with David “now we know” for the next guy.

Steve Featherkile said:

Battery or track power? If battery, simply reverse the leads coming off the battery.

And simply enjoy watching the smoke coming from whatever device the battery is attached to.

You reverse the motor leads downstream from the receiver or the circuit board, not ahead of it.

If it is a DCC decoder, swapping the track inputs merely reverses it on DC, not DCC…

I think it has been established that it was a Digitrax DCC decoder.


A DCC decoder he was trying to run on DC I believe.

Right, exactly.

The DCC decoder drill: run on DCC, swap motor leads if it runs backwards, then run on DC, swap track leads if it runs backwards.

Simple, and makes sense when you think about it.

Since the motor leads and the track leads were on the screw terminals, could be done in a few minutes.


Greg, yes. And he could have done that and saved a lot of time. But when he started the board was a “mystery board”. He didn’t know exactly what it was. Like we said, now we know for the next time.

Yep, good lesson learned, get the picture right away, and less time wasted, did not take long to identify it once a picture was posted.


A picture is worth a thousand words. In this case, maybe some of them were bad words.