Large Scale Central

Hanrahan Reefer


Too cool!

Wow Bob you sure like classical stuff, didn’t think I knew of anyone that still used VHS tapes!!

That really looks great Bob. Nice job.

Mark Dash said:
Wow Bob you sure like classical stuff, didn't think I knew of anyone that still used VHS tapes!!
I just inherited about 300 VHS train videos. I haven't fired my VCR in years, but if it doesn't go they're about $30 at Walmart now and weigh about 3 pounds.

So now you know two.

I had a combo VHS/DVD player that got fried last winter. Haven’t replaced it yet, but they usually go for about $80…maybe less now.

Still got a boatload of VHS from when the kids were younger.

Iinteresting subject matter on that tape. very humorous.
they are still re-playing the series, here, on TV in OZ on the ABC.

Beautiful work, Bob!

Thanks guys. It was fun to build, and hopefully it’ll get me working on the rest of the half-finished projects I have! :slight_smile:

Now I have a use for the numerous LGB ‘cigar’ cars that I have. Two cars would be ‘sacrificed’ to make the one extended car with relative ease. The hardest part would be summoning up the ‘courage’ to commit oneself to making the first incision. It does not matter that the original was a standard gauge car.

Nope…we make a habit of it…my War Emergency Hoppers were standard gauge designs too…

Neat. I see it made it over to Phil’s Narrow Gauge.

Wow…now the J&B is doubly represented! :smiley:

Very nice model, Bob.

I guess I better get some industries for these reefers. Perhaps a produce shed…

or a creamery…:wink:

Or a slaughterhouse…then ya can have stock cars too…Or just an ice house?

Digging this thread up from the dead.

My Hanrahan reefer needed a bit of TLC of the walkways. All better now.



Do you still have the file for the Hanrahan logo?


Beautiful car, by the way!

Bob Wenger said:

Do you still have the file for the Hanrahan logo?


Beautiful car, by the way!

I might have them on a backup drive, let me see if I can find them tonight.

Bob Wenger said:

Do you still have the file for the Hanrahan logo?


Beautiful car, by the way!

Nice to see you posting Bob…I believe you are with SVGRS?

Yes. We’ve had many of our events cancelled this year, but we’re hoping that next year will see more activity. On another note, I really enjoyed your interurban build for the CVRR museum.