Large Scale Central

Expanding to add interest

Dave -

Point taken. I’ll have to take another look to see where I can fit something in. I decided when I rebuilt the grade and installed the wye that I would try to use very wide curves outside. If I stick with this ‘rule’ it limits the places I could fit a loop within the current track area. R1 would fit inside the legs of the wye.

Once I get past the front steps I have a few large open areas that are pretty much a blank canvas.

There is is one spot I might be able to fit something in. I was planning on someday making a cut off toward another basement window where I have a crawl space. It would be a perfect location for storage yards as it is accessible from indoors at about shoulder height. I’ll have to draw it up to scale and see if I could fit something in there.

I also have the back yard where I’ve considered building on benchwork. The existing track follows a retaining wall across the back yard before it turns toward the front. I could build benchwork out from that wall starting at about 40" from the ground. My knees aren’t what they used to be, so they would appreciate the elevated track.

In the short term, I think the small industry siding will be the next project to be built. Right after I finish the 5 things I started in the spring :o


Jon and All,

The questions I said you needed to ask yourself were ask to me by myself this morning. I guess all the thoughts of purpose for you caused me to think about more purpose on the home front. The KVRwy will be announcing the reopening of some old mines shafts and a pumphouse siding at “Sweetwater”.

Negotiations were made with the “Yardmaster” about running another siding across the sidewalk. She feels it can’t be permanent and I can abide by that. Some of thesse ideas will come out over the next month after the turnouts that were ordered today arrive and when we set up for the Canadian Invasion.

Getting involved in discussions llike this are almost as good as visiting another railroad. Sometimes you just got to open your mind to the “whatifs” and then try to figure any possible way, no matter how crazy, to make them come about.