Large Scale Central

A 'boxcar as scenery' project inspiration?

How about this for a ‘boxcar as scenery’ project inspiration?

Everything is not A-Okay with this 50’ box car! AOK 473311 lost its door when this load shifted and the rolled paper is on the verge of falling out. UP 7491 east was notified of the shifted load when it was departing North Little Rock yard and set the car out at a spur track just east of the yard limits.

Can anyone say “overload” or “unsecured load”

Wonder if they found the door! I can’t believe a load could shift that much to blow the door off the car without the rolls of paper exiting the car during the shift, they wouldn’t hit then stop straight up, unless the mean rolls are along the track somewhere with the doors and these just “walked “ to the center of the car