Large Scale Central

New poster on chat...

Why is this new poster on chat, allowed with only the name “Monkey Boy…” and not give out his/her/its true name. ?

This gives the impression that real names are not important, and the whole idea of being accountable, or at least respectful to others , is of no importance on this web page.

Are we to expect further degrading of this web page to the levels of other places, to continue ?

Please explain to me what standards are to be expected in the future.

Thank you.

Fred Mills

Monkey is as OK as Rooster

We went through this, Bob knows the real names of people, they do not have to be shared with us.

Bob’s decision.

Everybody relax. “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” was on TV the other night and as is common on chat a few quotes and gifs from the movie made their way into the discussion. A visit from Ruprecht was inevitable but don;t worry… I will be Boomer again in a few days.

For those who are interested, Bob does not want to know who I am…he made that very clear with the restraining order! (

That was good for a laugh Boomer!

I think the rules here have been made clear and are really few of them. We should work with Bob, whether our personal convictions are similar or different. Fighting against them will just get everyone upset for no reason.


Ruprecht the Monkey Boy said:

For those who are interested, Bob does not want to know who I am…he made that very clear with the restraining order! (


I thought I was the only one with a restraining order !

BTW …very crafty trickery as you had me fooled you “old goat”

Rooster I had you fooled that night in chat that I pretended to be you. And of course we all remember the day I pretended to be Bob… and the four day suspension that followed.

The all time episode though… apparently Andy posted my picture at the end of his driveway with a “Call Police if you see this man” sign. After my visit there in June.

Ruprecht the Monkey Boy said:

Rooster I had you fooled that night in chat that I pretended to be you.

Hehe…you didn’t have me fooled that night …you only had the others fooled as they thought it was me…LMAO …that was funny though.

Okay to avoid any further confusion I will revert to my former self…just got ot figure out to get this monkey costume off…

Ruprecht the monkey boy. So long.(

Some people just can’t behave themselves!


Frere Fred is right.

if somebody logs in as Monkey Boy, we don’t know nothing about him.

compare that with the abundance of information we got about somebody, who logs in as John Johnson…

Usually, when someone new logs in, with a legitimate name, a method of contact, and a general location; we gain a bit of TRUST, and a proper, respectful way of addressing them.

In return, we may gain their trust, and possibly a new FRIENDSHIP, and respect.

These are the basic hopes, we all should be looking for.

This web page is a meeting place for anyone with the common interest in Large Scale Model Railroading. With this part of the Rail Transportation hobby, rather stagnant; we all need to build on the common area of Respect, Sharing, and good communication.

There is so much we all have to share, and learn together. Why ruin it with the lack of good communication, governed by a few respectful and basic rules.

Fred Mills


With all due respect; I may be, as in your graphic display, “Flogging a dead horse”, but from my observations, good or bad…some need reminding, more often than not.

This is the best North American Large Scale web page commonly available to most. We need to retain some standards of decency, or become one of the many pages found in the slag heaps of life. Good, RESPECTFUL communication is worth defending, in spite of what is happening in the political world.

Fred Mills