Large Scale Central

Android Throttle

I’m very close to getting this finished up but I’m going a bit bonkers doing code all day at work and then again at night. So I’m going to take a few PTO days and take a break from code to get outside in the garden this weekend as I think I’m turning into a mushroom.

Anyhow, I’ve re-written the app from the ground up in official Android Studio Java and it now works on all versions of Android. Or I hope so, I don’t have an 8.0 device to test it on but it works on 4, 5, 6 and 7 on all 5 of my phones and tablets so I’m pretty sure it’s ok. It’s not quite finished but I wanted to see if anyone has any suggestions or finds any major weirdness before I start on a final pass.

So, if anyone is interested in my Android App to Battery powered DCC shenanigans, you can find pictures of the screens and some descriptions here:

There is a link to download and install the app on that page as well. If you are so inclined, I would appreciate the testing.

