Large Scale Central

Jerry Rosell train run 2017

Lori Rosell asked if she could have her Family and friends over to see Jerry Rosell trains run again. ( Jerry Rosell was one of our Get-to-gether group train guys and passed three years go.)

So we got a hold of some guys " Joel H. Geo N. and Elden B. to help set up a train run of most of his equip we had.

Here are some photo of the train run and we set out two photo of Jerry on the layout.


It was a fun train day as always.


If this isn’t a big part of what it’s all about, I don’t know what is.

Nice job Noel!

Thanks guys… Lori R. and lots of her friends just seen this on LSC.

This is the kind of stuff we like to do and get back to the hobby with a site to do it on.

We had to apologize to Lori’s family due to we did not have most of the details and building back up on the layout, but they enjoyed what was running. (

What a nice gift and a great way to honor an old friend.

Yep, that’s our tribe.(


Good stuff Pap…nice to see pics !

Just a few more photos of Jerry Rosell train run for there Family to see.

And Peanut could care less with all of the activity going on.
