Large Scale Central

Wanted: Aristo Craft Cemetary Headstones

Hello Everyone, my wife is in a creative state and is looking for headstones to complete her cemetery for our outdoor layout. Let me know what you might have or any suggestions. Thanks

The Aristo stones are on ebay as are others.

I make my own:

Chuck, Chuck, Chuck- Lemax also makes cemetery headstones. I get mine around Halloween at Michaels craft store. They usually mark them down quite a bit after Halloween.

Also, sometimes the Dollar store has them as well.

Hope this helps.


Another option is make some with sculpty clay. Then you can make any size and shape and carve the dates etc into it.

I would use Magic Sculpt - much more durable than Sculpey. And, you can work it well enough.

Thanks guys, I’ll have to let my wife know about the Magic Sculpt Bruce. She used the Sculpey clay on her garden display.