Large Scale Central

ECLSTS 2016 Seminar

I will be doing a seminar at 9:30 Friday morning - Electronics, DCC, Laser Cutters and the normal assortment of tips and tricks.
The description that I sent to Harry is below

I’ll be bringing along many of the gizmos and gadgets that we have discussed on this forum.

Hope to see many of you there!

Join Dave Bodnar and explore how easy it can be to use microcontrollers and other simple electronic devices to enhance your railroad. We’ll look at circuits you can build with the PICAXE and Arduino families of microcontrollers and how a laser cutter can be an excellent and exciting addition to your workshop.
We’ll also explore a new DCC controller that you can build for less than $20 and with no soldering!
Don’t miss all of this and the usual array of tips, tricks, tools and gizmos & gadgets that can animate and add excitement to your railroad.

Sure, I will be in training a few blocks from the show while you are seminaring. You will probably be gone before I get there.

Dave, you sure seem to be an institution at ECLSTS and I wish you great success with this year’s seminars. I feel very lucky to be able to watch all of your wizardry come to life in the pages of this site “realtime”. It’s good to have a guy that really understands electrons and the components that can make them work for us.

I appreciate your comments, Randy - such things help to make the effort worthwhile!

I am working on my notes & have some really interesting, new stuff to present - not the least of which is what I have discovered about using the sub-$400 eBay laser cutter / engraver - In the presentation I describe it as my best (by far) purchase of 2015!

