Large Scale Central


Two inches of snow when we started. too wet for the rotary.

Merry Christmas!

Here it is embedded. I posted video embedding instructions in the Website section…

wow cool we are having a heat wave here in nc state

Great video ! Wish we had snow here in Pgh - - What are the locos in the video?

Ended up with 4". The engines are Aristo SD-45’s, all powered by one 18 volt battery in trailing car.

Nice! Makes me want to try to clear the 12" of white stuff off of my RR.

Nice! Would have been nice to try here, but still trying to figure out how to plow water(

I would need to plow leaves.

Aaron Loyet said:

Nice! Would have been nice to try here, but still trying to figure out how to plow water(

Apparently slowly… don’t see much wake.


Awesome VIDEO and layout!..No snow here in Florida!

I really like you layout.

Been back in Pittsburgh for a few days and it feel slightly cooler than when we are in Florida. Got to look at the track here after removing the leaves. Not enough time for a full cleaning to run anything this trip.

Nice video. Nothing beats trains running in some snow.

Don’t you hate wet snow? When the rotary can’t throw it have the wedge push it. Well done.

Great job Ron!