Large Scale Central

My mom had a heart attack

Not train related but I consider this group to be friends. I found out this morning my mom had a heart attack. It was minor and no permanent damage was done. They did put in a stint. It alerted them to larger problems though and she likely will have a bypass in about a month. She is 73 and this is her first major medical scare. So she is a good healthy strong woman. This wont knock her down.

But if your inclined I would ask for your prayers for healing and prayers of thanks giving because this was a revelation that bigger problems were on the way and they caught t early.

Sorry its not train related.

Devon Sinsley said:

But if your inclined I would ask for your prayers for healing and prayers of thanks giving

You gottem…!!

Prayers said.

I’m right along with Ken and Steve.

No apologies needed. We are family here.

Got prayers? [bumper sticker]

Same as Lou L. said… You got it and we are all family here.

Wish Her the best.

You got it buddy, an extended family we be.


All the best !

as soon as possible coach her to take strolls. need not to go quick, but at least half an hour a day.

i found that the best way, to get back on deck.

Hope she’s back to her normal state of good health, soon.


Sorry to hear about your mother. I hope she has a rapid recovery and best of luck with the next item.

Well thanks all. I got in to see her and she looks wonderful and feels pretty good. They say they don’t believe there was any damage done. She will be up and walking by now. She had three other blockages and in about 6 weeks she will have a single bypass. They can get all three taken care of with the one bypass. The doc said if she hadn’t had this one the other blockage likely would have killed her. So this is a blessing in disguise

So done! GOD Bless

Devon - I hope everything works out well for your Mom. All of us at Suleski Transportation will include her in our prayers. Mom’s are important to all of us.


Oh my!

We’re with you Devon

Prayers and best wishes that the bypass goes well, and for a speedy recovery.

Dang that’s no good, I hope she gets well soon

Hi Devon:

Your Mother is in good hands. Heart medicine today is very far advanced. Just visit and keep her spirits up.

Everything will work out,
