Large Scale Central

Spell check

OK, that was a fun one to figure out. For SOME reason, the new editor disabled browser spell-check, in a barely-documented option. Took a bit of digging but I got it!

THANK YOU! You are a very smart guy. (

Thank you so much Bob. I had wondered why spell checking did not work here. I use North American spelling as most of my posts, here and elsewhere, are made to North American eyes. I just ignore the red squiggly line when typing UK spelling.

This is great. Thanks Bob!!! Now I don’t have to wurry about e-males from Fred about my mis spealings (

Next on my list of minor annoyances is the default paste mode. Is there a way to make the default Paste as Text? There is a tool button to do this, but I always forget and paste first with odd results.

I usualley ignore spel chek anyhowe becuz I dont trust it an I think it’s wrong alot. I kan spel just fine

Joe Zullo said:

THANK YOU! You are a very smart guy. (

Oh goodie now I won’t have to send Joe his copy of “understanding Devonics for beginners”

David Russell said:

I usualley ignore spel chek anyhowe becuz I dont trust it an I think it’s wrong alot. I kan spel just fine

David is fluent in Devonics

Hm, I thought Fred and Joe were the spell checkers on here…(

Eye halve a spelling check her
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong.

Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My check her tolled me sew.

Bob thanks. Having a working spell checker is a real bonus to us C students out here.

I noticed that it was working last night when I was posting a reply to Dave T’s thread about the build challenge. It brought a smile to my face.

Ken Brunt said:

Hm, I thought Fred and Joe were the spell checkers on here…(

like to think of Fred as more the grammar police…

And to Fred and Joe keep it up. I realize some might take offense but good writing is important to good communication. I like to think in my writing for school and my book as creative and with style but when the spelling and grammar are terrible the style and creativity are lost. So feel free to keep correcting me at least.

David Maynard said:

Bob thanks. Having a working spell checker is a real bonus to us C students out here.

I noticed that it was working last night when I was posting a reply to Dave T’s thread about the build challenge. It brought a smile to my face.

Makes you realize just how bad your spelling is and how fat your fingers can be when the screen lights up with red squiggles.

Devon Sinsley said:

David Maynard said:

Bob thanks. Having a working spell checker is a real bonus to us C students out here.

I noticed that it was working last night when I was posting a reply to Dave T’s thread about the build challenge. It brought a smile to my face.

Makes you realize just how bad your spelling is and how fat your fingers can be when the screen lights up with red squiggles.

Yep and then you have to go and look up how that word is actually spelled. (

Not really. You right click on the mis-spelled word and you get multiple choices (if you are anywhere close). (

Joe Zullo said:

(if you are anywhere close). (

And there in lies the rub(

Devon, oh yea. When a whole sentence is underlined with red squiggles its probably time I give up. But I don’t.

Hans, Joe has it right. For some woids I have to go search Merriam Webster on-line to see if I can finds what I wanted. Then I usually have to rewrite the sentence using different words.

Ya sea, I don’t talk Engalish so best some times. After all, I am only in customer service, its not like I have to communicate well in my real job/life.

By golly, that’s how it works.

I didn’t realize that; mind you a lot of times it underlines the Canadian/English versions of certain words. In which case I just ignore it.


Don’t you know that the Brits and the Canadians have it wrong. Wasn’t English invented in the U.S?

Just like pin pullers and brakemen, we streamlined the operation and rid ourselves of superfluous letters and personnel. Old world spellings are in the Archaic volumes.
