Large Scale Central

New Forum Software Hints & Tips

Taken from the bug report thread…

Greg asked about Forum Signatures Gone Missing.

The new software no longer keeps the Forum Signature in your Profile, but rather in your Settings. Go to Settings the Forum Signature. The editor is the same as the post editor and does not interperate the old forum tags. You can use the Insert Image button to pop in your photo then format as you like. If you can program (or just dabble) in html there is a Source Code button <> where you can edit the html code that makes up your signature. This might be useful to add hot links etc. EDIT to add: I notice that the software has automatically recognized my website as a URL and made it ito a link.

Steve asked about Last Post gone missing

It hasn’t left us, just changed. Next to the last poster’s name is a little icon kind of like (>). Roll over that icon and it says Go To Last Post. Click it and there ya go!

Message Format Changes

We finally got used to the fact that a single return would add a blank line (html new paragraph), but in this new editor that no loner seems to be the case, even though it appears so as you type.

I pressed ENTER once after the period above.

And twice after the last sentence.

Feel free to add your discoveries to this thread. Please excuse any spelling errors. My spell check has gone missing! (and I REALLY do need it)

Old editor is back. I liked the look of the new one better but my spell check is working again. A trade off I guess.