Large Scale Central

Double spacing?

Why do I get double spacing when I type something?

Like this?

I give up.


If you hit the return button once…

you get this.

If you hit the return button twice,

you get this.

Lets give it a try!

I didn’t think I was hitting it twice, old age I guess.

I hit it once still dose not look like this?

Looks like they are making sets for kids and not the hobbyist because even in the pictures they look cheep and poorly made. I wish they would get back into the market with some quality stuff.

Maybe you’re not holding your jaw right. :slight_smile:




It is annoying. A HTML thing. Some forum code could fix it. If you want a single space try ‘shift/return’ instead.
All the unnecessary extra white space just makes the forum pages longer than they need to be.


Exactly Garratt. The forum treats a return as HTML End of Paragraph which inserts a line space. The Shift+Return is treated as an HTML end-of-Line (or carraige return) which starts a new line without additional space.

It’s not so bad once you are used to it.

It would be much better if the Preview Window showed the final formatting, which it does not.

The Preview window not being WYSIWYG is the biggest problem.
It is more like WYSINWYG by Convoluted Systems Incorporated. Ha!


The new software did this a while back. It does indeed make too much white space.
It makes it very hard to post and know where your paragraphs are.


The anniversary of my post regarding the extra space is just around the corner.

Funny I only have a Enter key . :wink:

True, but the symbol on the enter key is Line Space / Carriage Return :slight_smile: